Cappuccino is the most famous espresso-based coffee drink. It maintains a balance: you can feel the taste of espresso, but it does not prevail over the taste of milk. This is a kind of the golden mean.
Barista makes a standard cappuccino is prepared with a volume of 150-180 ml and uses one shot of espresso. Large cappuccino - based on two servings of espresso, it is served in a cup from 280 ml.
Originally, a cappuccino consisted of ⅓ espresso, ⅓ warm milk, and ⅓ milk foam. But in modern specialty coffee houses, they have moved away from this proportion. Now there is more milk in the cup, and less foam. Without loose foam, the drink is more pleasant in texture.
For cappuccino, as for other milk drinks, a velvety and non-porous foam is prepared with a thickness of about 1 centimeter.
You can learn more about instant cappuccino in our
article about it.