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Is dried mango healthy for you?
Dried mango is one of our most popular products. And this is not just so: dried mango is a very tasty delicacy, which, in addition to being stored for a long time, is also extremely useful for the body.

Is dried mango healthy?

In our blog we want to tell you many, many things about Mr Viet products. Dried mango is one of our most popular ones. And this is not just so: dried mango is a very tasty delicacy, which, in addition to being stored for a long time, is also extremely useful for the body.

Let's take a look at the benefits of this dried fruit.

What are the benefits of dried mangoes?

Dried mangoes have the same nutritional properties as fresh mangoes. Moreover, dried mangoes retain all their nutritional value longer than simple mangoes, since they have a shelf life of up to two years. It's all about the drying technology: its process takes place at room temperature, thereby preserving all the useful mango enzymes.

About 81% of the mango's composition is carbohydrates. Dried mango also contains a number of vitamins: vitamin A, a group of vitamins B (B1, B2, B5, B6, etc.), vitamins C and D. This fruit also has a high level of calcium and phosphorus, which are useful for maintaining bone strength.

How many calories does it have?

Compared to other fruits in Asia, mango contains a sufficient amount of calories due to the high concentration of carbohydrates in its composition. 100g. mangoes contain about 315 calories - 1/5 of the daily value of human calories.

Due to its caloric content, the fruit is extremely useful for athletes to recover after training. It can also be included in the diets of astronauts!

Dried mango is very well absorbed by the body, so to maintain the figure it is not recommended to eat it too often and a lot.

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