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What is the difference between Arabica and Robusta?

The taste of each variety is unique: it depends on the places and conditions in which the coffee was grown and formed. However, the basis for the uniqueness of the taste of Robusta and Arabica is, of course, the properties and composition of coffee beans. So what is the difference between Arabica and Robusta? Let's find it out in this article.

What is the difference between Arabica and Robusta?

That's amazing! In our blog, we managed to tell so much about Vietnamese coffee, but completely forgot about the basics and knowledge of what each coffee variety is.

Arabica and Robusta are grown in many regions of Vietnam. The taste of each variety is unique: it depends on the places and conditions in which the coffee was grown and formed. However, the basis for the uniqueness of the taste of Robusta and Arabica is, of course, the properties and composition of coffee beans. So what is the difference between Arabica and Robusta? Let's find it out in this article.

Coffee bean shape

Arabica and Robusta are related varieties of coffee. Moreover, Arabica appeared after crossing Robusta and Eugenioidis - an extremely rare type of coffee growing on small shrubs.

Arabica appeared thanks to Robusta, so the coffee beans of these varieties are externally similar. However, the main difference is as follows: robusta grain is roundish in shape, Arabica grain has an elongated shape.

Where and how do Arabica and Robusta grow

Arabica is a more whimsical plant. For its full growth, a stably warm temperature, which doesn't fall below 15°C, and regular sunlight are mandatory. It is also very important that this variety of coffee grows as high as possible above sea level (on average from 1500 meters). The soil should be fertile and abundant, and the plant itself must be regularly treated from the attack of insect pests.

Growing Robusta bushes is much easier. It can be planted on flat areas; Robusta grows quietly and adapts to most of Vietnam's natural conditions. That is why Vietnam is the capital of Robusta. Learn more about features of growing Robusta in Vietnam here.

Chemical composition of coffee beans

The conditions for the growth of Arabica and Robusta undoubtedly affect the taste of the grains. Delicate Arabica has a delicate, pleasant taste, and unpretentious Robusta is strong and rich. In addition, it is very important to note the chemical composition of Arabica and Robusta grains.

Robusta coffee beans have a high caffeine content (1.5 - 3.2%) and a low content of essential oils (about 8%). Such features create this strength and astringency taste of Robusta.

Due to its taste robusta is often used in coffee blends to give the drink richness and pleasant astringency. We dedicated to Vietnamese Robusta a number of sets in our online store, since this variety can be revealed to its taste in completely different ways.

Arabica is another case. Remember eugenioidis? This type of coffee has an extremely low caffeine content - 0.2%. After crossing eugenioidis and Robusta in the resulting grain of Arabica there is little caffeine (0.5-1.5%), and the amount of essential oils can reach 18%! Such characteristics make Arabica soft and sweet in taste.


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