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Vietnamese Coffee Caffeine Content

Vietnamese coffee is famous for being one of the strongest and harshest types of coffee in the world. It is because of high caffeine content in it and some other features that we will talk about in this article. What main types of coffee produced in Vietnam, what exactly makes it so strong, and what is Vietnamese coffee caffeine content? Read on to get answers!

Main coffee varieties produced in Vietnam

The majority of Vietnamese coffee is made from Robusta beans. Vietnam is the biggest producer of this coffee variety in the world. More than 90% of coffee produced in the country is made up of Robusta beans. It has strong, harsh and bitter taste and grows in the southern Central Highlands region. Generally, growing Robusta is quite easy: it grows at flat areas and adapts to the most of Vietnam's natural conditions. It also has roundish shape that distinguishes it from another type of coffee – Arabica.

Arabica in comparison with Robusta is a more whimsical plant. It requires stably warm temperature, which doesn't fall below +15 °C, and regular sunlight. Arabica can’t grow at flat terrains and grows as high as possible above sea level (starting from 1500 meters). There are some requirements to the soil condition as well. It must be fertile and abundant, and the plant itself must be regularly protected from the insects.

The conditions of growing Arabica and Robusta undoubtedly affect their taste. Arabica has a delicate and pleasant taste, while Robusta is bitter and rich.

You can learn more about differences between Arabica and Robusta here.

Why Vietnamese coffee is so strong?

The taste of coffee depends on several factors. One of them is the origin of coffee beans. There are more than 120 different types of coffee trees. Robusta is among coffee types with the highest caffeine content. So, caffeine content is the second factor that directly influences on how strong your coffee is.

The way of brewing also defines the strength of the coffee. Optimal release of caffeine occurs at a water temperature of +95 °C. Boiling promotes the release of chemicals.

Coffee grind. During an extraction process (that takes place while coffee is brewing) soluble substances are mixed with water. Thus, the finer the coffee grind, the larger the area of contact with water and the faster the extraction. Brewing coarse coffee takes more time to get a strong drink. For different methods of making coffee, there is a general rule applies: the longer the coffee is brewed, the coarser the grind should be. An exception is brewing coffee in a cezve, where the fine grind provides a nice thick consistency.

What is Vietnamese coffee caffeine content?

As it was already mentioned before, Robusta is mostly used to produce coffee in Vietnam. It has high caffeine content (1.5 - 3.2%) and a low content of essential oils (about 8%). Such features create this strength and astringency taste of Robusta.
Arabica caffeine content equals 1 - 1.5%, that’s why it has more delicate taste.

1 cup of coffee (around 250 ml) made from Robusta beans has 265 mg of caffeine. While Arabica has nearly 120-140 mg, which twice as less than Robusta.

Mr. Viet offers Vietnamese coffee made from both Arabica and Robusta beans. We provide freshly roasted coffee prepared in accordance with the traditions of Vietnam. Our coffee beans are carefully selected and expertly roasted in Dalat region. Follow us to learn more about Vietnamese coffee and taste the best one from Mr. Viet!

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