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What Influences Coffee Caffeine Content

Coffee is known for giving quick boost of energy in the morning and keeping you going throughout the whole day. This effect is obtained due to caffeine that coffee contains. But what influences coffee caffeine content in your cup? Here we want to answer this question and give you more information about coffee caffeine content.

What is caffeine?

Caffeine is a substance that such plants as coffee beans, cacao pods, and tea leaves contain. It stimulates human central nervous system to wake you up and keep alert. Caffeine can also be produced synthetically to use in sodas or energy drinks.

Positive and negative effects of caffeine

According to numerous studies, consuming caffeine, in moderation may have positive effects on human health. For instance, if you drink coffee on the regular basis, there is decreased risk of developing numerous diseases. These are Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, certain types of cancer, strokes, and decreased suicide risk (by nearly 45%). Besides, caffeine may improve your concentration and memory levels.

However, overconsumption of caffeine will negatively affect your body. It can lead to heartburn, decreased bone density, elevated blood pressure, and muscle twitching. With continued caffeine consumption, your body will most probably go through withdrawal if you stop consuming it. Withdrawal symptoms include dizziness, headaches, irritability, and high level of anxiety.

What influences coffee caffeine content

1. Type of coffee bean.

There are several kinds of the coffee plants, and each of them grows best at different parts of the world. Because of unique growing conditions that influence the characteristics of the coffee bean, caffeine level in the beans harvested from different plants will vary.

Coffee plants have an ability to produce caffeine as a pesticide. The higher altitudes, the less caffeine these plants produce. It happens due to the fact that there are fewer pesticides at lower altitudes.

Let’s compare the most popular and widespread coffee types in the world – Arabica and its counterpart Robusta. Arabica grows at nearly 1300 – 1500 meters, while Robusta grows best at a maximum altitude of 600 meters. Consequently, Arabica caffeine content is lower than the Robusta. Read more about differences between Arabica and Robusta in this article.

2. Grind size.

Grind size significantly influences your coffee as it exposes the flavors and aromas which are locked in the coffee bean. The finer coffee grind, the more area of contact with water. Be sure that coffee beans are ground to an appropriate for your brewing equipment size. It will help to prevent over- extraction and under-extraction.

3.Roasting time.

The longer coffee bean is roasted, the less dense it is because coffee expands during roasting and loses water weight. It means that in one scoop of coffee grounds, there are more of dark coffee grounds than light coffee grounds. So, darker roast of coffee beans tastes more robust because you use more coffee grounds.

4.Brewing time.

Different brewing methods require different brewing time. The longer the coffee grounds contact with water, the higher the caffeine content in your cup of coffee.

For example, the French Press method requires constant infusion for 2-4 minutes. Thus, it creates coffee with higher caffeine level than drip coffee that requires less time.

5. Brewing method.

During different brewing methods, such variables as the ratio of water to coffee grounds and the brewing technique affect the caffeine level.

The highest caffeine level is created during French press brewing – 80-100 mg. The resulting brew with aeropress is 50 to 70 mg. Filter coffee brewing leads to 60-100 mg, while coffee machine – 30-50 mg.

Mr. Viet Coffee

Mr. Viet produces real Vietnamese coffee. Our coffee beans are expertly roasted in Dalat region, Vietnam. We carefully select and control coffee roasting in order to get tasty and balanced coffee. We produce it in accordance with all the traditions of Vietnam.

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